Innoveren is combineren. Maar wat kun je zeggen over omgevingen die 'combinatorische innovatie' stimuleren? Daar gaat de inaugurele rede van Paul Iske over die hij uitsprak bij zijn benoeming als praktijkhoogleraar aan de School of Business en Economics, Universiteit Maastricht.
Met toestemming gepubliceerd op
"The world we live in is becoming increasingly complex and is changing at an ever-faster pace. Understanding complex adaptive systems is critical to addressing the key environmental, technological, biological, economic, and political challenges of our time. In our economies new drivers of value are emerging and new companies are being established and others are going out of business, both at unprecedented rates. In the economy as a whole, and in particular in the service sector which can be seen as a complex adaptive system, there is increasing realization that the ability to create and mobilize intellectual capital lies behind many of these new drivers of value. Whilst there are examples of companies that seem to ‘intuitively’ capitalize on this ability, our understanding of and toolbox for growing and leveraging this ability is still in its infancy.
One tool for creating and mobilizing intellectual capital is ‘Combinatoric Innovation’, and this is the core subject of my speech today. The central idea is that it ‘pays off’ to create the conditions under which parties with diverse backgrounds can combine their knowledge to find new ways for value creation."
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Inaugere rede Paul Iske benoeming praktijkhoogleraar
aan de School of Business en Economics, Universiteit Maastricht